
Welcome to my blog. I hope you find something the will inspire and encourage you!




Have a read of this little beauty from the Work Manual: 

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9 Watto Version) 

When we encourage somebody we actually empower courage into that person to get on with something positive in their life. When they encourage us, we are empowered with courage – so let’s make sure we start with the girl of our dreams. 

Here’s another beauty from the Work Manual: 

Therefore encourage one another and build each other, up just as in fact you are doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV) 

When anyone asks me, ‘How are you going today?’ my reply is, ‘Bubbling over with joy!’ If you answer in this way too, I guarantee you will get a smile and a positive response. Try it, it’s a winner. 

One of my mates said he’d been thinking about me for the past 2 days so he gave me a call. That’s a good thing to do when God puts someone on our mind. 

Give ’em a call and have a mini Shed talk. We listen, we ask, we encourage, we pray for each other for our needs, and we thank God for his provision. Boy, it’s encouraging. I try to keep up the coffees, the brekkies, the footy catch-ups and whatever 

I need to do to encourage my buddies ’cause they encourage me. 

Everyone wins with encouragement. 

But, champions, for real-deal dinky-di love, the stuff that never fails, the first person on your list of people to encourage is the girl of your dreams – the others will fit in and flow. No encouragement to your girl, and the rest will show up as not the complete deal. Mate, you are the maker or breaker of this. 

I’ve never seen anyone go backwards with encouragement. 

Encouragement comes easier to some of us than others, but it’s OK, you can learn it. 

Once you learn to give it, eventually it will come back to you in bucket loads. 

No ‘fluffy duck’ patronising stuff. Start small, and keep it real. 

I’ve never seen a bloke or a woman go backward with encouragement! 

This is an excerpt from Watto’s book “Champions Learn To Love”

The Power of Encouragement 

The Power of Encouragement 

Share the Joy!

Share the Joy!