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A Little Bit of Encouragement

A Little Bit of Encouragement

No-one misses out on the battle 

I say life’s a battle and no-one misses out. It’s just got a different name and time. It’s how you handle the battle that counts. 

Our day-to-day living can be a much harder battle without that little bit of encouragement. It can be mighty tough if we’re going to constantly cop judgement, criticism or the silent ‘no-speakie’ treatment. It’s pretty tough to keep getting back up from that, especially from the one we are trying to love. Does your woman do that to you? 

But then, do you do it to her? 

My business life was set alight by my treasured mate, big Jonesy, empowering me when he said, ‘Watto you’ll never look back!’ And I haven’t. How’s that for encouragement? 

Have you ever experienced a word like that? Perhaps you have but you may have missed it? Let’s help you to be ready for the next turbocharged word of encouragement coming your way. 

Once you know how healthy it is to receive an encouraging word and how it puts a turbocharge into your whole being, you’ll want to learn how to give encouragement to others so you can see them charge off onwards and upwards. It’s so exciting and the gold starts to happen. 

It doesn’t take much, just a little word from someone we respect. Right at this moment, who is it that’s in your  thoughts or on your mind? Why not pick up the phone and say, ‘Howdy. I’ve been thinking about you. How’s it going?’ Then listen carefully and give a kind word of encouragement. I guarantee you’ll make that person’s day. A text message also works well – and for the girl of your dreams it’s worth double gold!

From the Work Manual… how good! 

Nothing is more appealing than speaking beautiful, life-giving words, for they release sweetness to our souls, inner healing to our spirits. (Proverbs 16:24 TPT) 

We all want and need encouragement. It can make us, or the lack of it can break us. 

Encouragement is sorta like a plant in the garden. Keep the water and the right sunshine up to it and it keeps looking better and better. 

No water, no encouragement – the plant withers up and dies. It’s a plant but it’s dead. We can be like that. We can get around, but we’re a dead man walkin’. 

Encouragement comes in so many different ways and it’s the most amazing thing. It’s pretty normal for us blokes to need an affirming, encouraging word from another man, no matter how old we are. If you try this, remember, blokes like you to call it as it is – straight down the line, with no patronising. 

This is an excerpt from Ian Watson’s book “Champions Learn To Love”



Encourage from the heart 

Encourage from the heart